SuperGen UK Centre for Marine Energy Reseach

UKCMER is the third phase of EPSRC investment in collaborative wave and tidal energy research.  Edinburgh has led all three phases since 2003. There are 13 partner universities in the Centre working together on 15 projects.  They work together to ensure joined-up regional, disciplinary and thematic effort to help meet the challenges in accelerating deployment towards and through 2020 targets

The research is grouped in five inter-disciplinary themes: Arrays & farms; Extreme loadings & survival;  Novel Marine Energy Systems, Components & Reliability; Mooring & Foundations and Environmental Interaction.

The Centre operates a Doctoral Training Programme that works closely with the IDCORE EngD Programme and the CDT on Offshore Renewable Energy.  There are industry and policy networks that link and work with nearly 100 UK and international companies and agencies. Universities in the Centre operate an inventory of world-class laboratories and test facilities, including the EPSRC FloWave facility at Edinburgh.

Further Information: 

Supergen UKCMER

Project Website: 

Principal Investigator: 


Postgraduate Researchers: 

There are over 100 researchers in the Centre in universities across the UK

Research Institutes: 

  • Energy Systems

Research Themes: 

  • Energy and Climate Change
  • Energy Policy, Economics and Innovation
  • Offshore Renewable Energy

Last modified: 

Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 17:54