Multiscale Thermofluids

Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids (IMT) at the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh

Red blood cells play a critical role in the human body, transporting oxygen to our cells. Anomalies in the way these cells flow through the body are associated with many serious diseases worldwide, and as such, are of great interest to researchers seeking to tackle some of society’s most significant healthcare challenges. Academics from the School of Engineering have co-authored a new paper in the Biophysical Journal which reports an unexpected discovery in the way these blood cells flow and arrange themselves under laboratory conditions, with important implications for future experimental research in this field. 

Spatial arrangement of red blood cells (RBCs) in rectangular or square microchannels of different aspect ratio (AR) along the channel length (x-axis direction). Dh = hydraulic diameter of the channel. (a) shows the top and side views of the channel, while (b) shows the cross-sectional view.

Full Job Title: 


Engineering Discipline: 

  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Multiscale Thermofluids


After completing and access course with the Open University as a mature student I studied for my BSc(Hons) in Physics with Astrophysics at Nottingham Trent University.

Portrait photo of Dr Ben Owen

Full Job Title: 

Chancellor's Fellow in Health & Life

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Multiscale Thermofluids


I am a Chancellor's Fellow in Health and Life within the School of Engineering. My research focuses on the use of numerical modelling and machine-learning framework for disease diagnostics.

The School’s Dr Timm Krüger is seeking to improve our understanding of ‘placental insufficiency’ through a new three-year project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), which will investigate the role of placental structure, blood flow and nutrient transport in pre-eclampsia and foetal growth restriction. Pre-term and stillbirths affect up to 10% of all deliveries, including in developed countries such as the UK. 

The simulation of red blood cells flowing through a capillary network (Image courtesy of Qi 'Charles' Zhou)


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