IES Seminar - Vincent Cliquet, INNOSEA


Kings Buildings, Sanderson Building, Lecture Theatre 1


Friday, June 20, 2014 - 13:00 to 14:00

Speech: InWave: a new flexible tool for WEC hydrodynamic modeling.

INNOSEA is an engineering consultancy specialized in offshore renewables (wind, wave and tidal).  As a spin-off from the ECN, INNOSEA's main activities include industrial and research projects related to structural and hydrodynamic modelling of offshore devices. INNOSEA is also developing new numerical tools to meet the marine energy market needs, such as InWave.
InWave is a new flexible design tool dedicated to wave energy converters. The novelty of InWave lies in the coupling of a multibody dynamic solver and a hydrodynamic solver.

Vincent Cliquet will present the company, before Vincent Leroy can present the software and its validation through comparative studies with
numerical investigation or experimental measurements.

Vincent Cliquet
Vincent completed his MEng in Hydrodynamics and Offshore Engineering from the Ecole Centrale de Nantes in 2010. After working as a naval
architect and installation engineer for Technip (France) for Offshore Wind projects, he joined INNOSEA in November 2013 to create a branch office in Edinburgh and develop its activity in the UK.

Vincent Leroy
Vincent is a student at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, and has been assistant engineer at INNOSEA for 8 months. He has been working on the development and the validation of InWave



The seminar team would like to thank the Engineering Graduate Society (EngGradSoc) for its funding and support of this seminar series.

Event Contact Name: 

Susan Tully

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