George Serghiou in the School of Engineering together with colleagues from the School of Geoscience and seven other leading Universities and Research Institutions in France, Germany and the US used a new synthetic approach which can be likened to mathematical applications in game theory (Nash equilibrium), to make unreactive starting materials reactive.
Prof. John Thompson has been elevated in January 2016 to the position of Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (FIEEE), the leading international organisation in the field, for research contributions to multiple antenna and multi-hop wireless communications.
Dr Dimitrios I. Gerogiorgis, a lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the Institute for Materials and Processes (IMP) of the University of Edinburgh, has been awarded the Academy of Athens Loukas Moussoulos Research Publication Excellence Prize, in recognition of his paper entitled "Model-based sensitivity analysis and experimental investigation of perlite grain expansion in a vertical electrical furnace" (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2013), a publication he co-authored while at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
Jason Reese is on the winning team of the new EPSRC Programme Grant EP/N016602/1 "Nano-Engineered Flow Technologies: Simulation for Design across Scale and Phase". This flagship research programme is a collaboration between Warwick and Edinburgh Universities, and Daresbury Lab.
Prof Geoff Maitland (Immediate Past-President of IChemE) Visits School of Engineering & Pitches for Cleaner Fossil Fuels at the Inaugural Chemical Engineering Diamond Jubilee Keynote Seminar
The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 was established in 1850 by Her Majesty Queen Victoria to organise the first world trade fair and over the past 164 years it has supported the academic development of some of Britain's brightest new talent, through its fellowship and scholarship sche
A start-up company formed at the University of Edinburgh has won this year's 2015 Converge Challenge Award - Scotland's premier company creation competition jointly funded by the Scottish Funding Council and Scotland's eight research-intensive universities. The win is further recognition that the university's commercialisation arm, Edinburgh Research and Innovation (ERI), is now seen as one of the most successful 'drivers' of science and technology company formation in the UK.