Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering

The combination of Sensing and Measurement is arguably the most fundamental scientific discipline required and utilised by society: it impacts on all areas of life from integrated atomic clocks for GPS location, through the myriad of chemical and physical sensors found in science, industry, environmental monitoring, consumer goods, biomedicine, food, energy and transport.

CDT-ISM is no longer recruiting.

Please see for full information about the CDT.

James Clark Maxwell Telescope, Hawaii

PhD Scholarships

Researchers working in an environmental engineering laboratory

The School of Engineering offers several PhD studentships and scholarships for excellent students.  These are competitive studentships, with an annual call for applications. The deadlines for our studentships are given below.

The University Department of Accommodation, Catering and Events (ACE) is pleased to announce some exciting changes in plan for Brücks Café at Kings Buildings.

Brücks Street Kitchen


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