Signal Processing in the Information Age

The aim of the UDRC is to develop unprecedented research in signal processing with application to the defence industry and share knowledge, promote communications, guidance and training. The formation of consortia will bring together researchers from across the different aspects of signal processing to address the research challenges of operating in a networked battlespace. This will form part of a wider collaborative centre of excellence for signal processing that embraces academia, Research and Technology Organisations, defence manufacturing industries and the Defence Technology Centres. This collaboration will support a cutting edge signal and data processing capability in the UK, and lead to potentially greater research impact.

Phase 3 commenced on 1st July 2018 and is a 5 year project. The work entitled "Signal Processing in the Information Age" will develop new underpinning Signal Processing and Machine Learning tools for the defence community. 


With less interest in the individual sensor and more focus on the generation of actionable information there is an opportunity to develop new underpinning Signal Processing and Machine Learning tools to enable:

  • Improved situational awareness
  • Information superiority
  • Increased autonomy for the defence sector  

Therefore for UDRC 3 our four overarching goals are:

  • Develop underpinning Signal Processing tools;
  • Bring together Signal Processing experts, through strong engagement with Dstl/industry, to maximise translation and impact for Dstl/MOD;
  • Training the next generation of signal processors;
  • Strengthen and expand the defence SP community for the UK.
University Defence Research Collaboration

Principal Investigator: 


Research Institutes: 

  • Imaging, Data and Communications

Research Themes: 

  • Institute for Imaging, Data and Communications Themes

Last modified: 

Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 16:33