Research Facilities

We have some of the best Research Facilities, Laboratories and Resources in the world. Find out more about how the School of Engineering can help you with your Research, whether that be for study or business.

  • The Structures Test Hall is our high-headroom lab for testing medium to large structural assemblies.

    The strong floor and reaction frame systems give great versatility in the types of test that we can carry out, and we have a state of the art Instron actuator system for applying two independent loads under precise computer control.

    A servo-hydraulic two-actuator, bi-axial system. Used on the Structures Lab strong floor.
  • The Structures Test Hall is our high-headroom lab for testing medium to large structural assemblies.

    The strong floor and reaction frame systems give great versatility in the types of test that we can carry out, and we have a state of the art Instron actuator system for applying two independent loads under precise computer control.

    A servo-hydraulic two-actuator, bi-axial system. Used on the Structures Lab strong floor.
  • The Structures Test Hall is our high-headroom lab for testing medium to large structural assemblies.

    The strong floor and reaction frame systems give great versatility in the types of test that we can carry out, and we have a state of the art Instron actuator system for applying two independent loads under precise computer control.

    A servo-hydraulic two-actuator, bi-axial system. Used on the Structures Lab strong floor.
  • The Bioimaging Facility at Edinburgh University offers both multiphoton imaging and spectral characterisation for a wide range of samples from both biological and material sciences. This service is available to staff, students and external users.

    Cancer Biopsy Stain Microscopy image
  • The Bioimaging Facility at Edinburgh University offers both multiphoton imaging and spectral characterisation for a wide range of samples from both biological and material sciences. This service is available to staff, students and external users.

    Cancer Biopsy Stain Microscopy image
  • The Bioimaging Facility at Edinburgh University offers both multiphoton imaging and spectral characterisation for a wide range of samples from both biological and material sciences. This service is available to staff, students and external users.

    Cancer Biopsy Stain Microscopy image
  • The University of Edinburgh Curved Wave Tank is a multidirectional wave facility, which is capable of producing digitally controlled pseudo random waves with definable spectral and directional statistics. It is equipped with force feedback absorbing wavemakers, which enhance the accuracy of marine environmental conditions through the minimisation of standing waves.

    University of Edinburgh Curved Wave Tank photographed from the control desk looking down onto the water tank and waves


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