GREENNET An early stage training network in enabling technologies for GREEN radio

Greenet is an Initial Training Network (ITN) Marie Curie project that is focused on the analysis, design, and optimization of energy efficient wireless communication systems and networks.

It will create a fully-integrated and multi-disciplinary network of 17 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) working in 10 first-class institutions distributed in 7 European countries. The consortium is formed by 3 Universities, 3 Research Centers and 4 Private Companies.

This Network will offer to a group of newly recruited ESRs a cross-sectorial environment to shape their long-term research view and get fundamental methodological tools on various research fields (such as, cooperative communications, cognitive networks and network coding).

greenet logo

Principal Investigator: 

Research Institutes: 

  • Imaging, Data and Communications

Research Themes: 

  • Communications

Last modified: 

Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 16:29