TEDDINET: Network of (Build) TEDDI projects

Established in September 2013 and funded for four years, TEDDINET is a research network examining the interactions of people with digital technologies and the potential for smart metering to transform energy demand in the home and at work. TEDDINET’s primary purpose is to create added value and enhance the impact of 22 individual research projects funded under the ‘Transforming Energy Demand through Digital Innovation’ (TEDDI) and ‘Transforming Energy Demand in Buildings through Digital Innovation’ (BuildTEDDI) programmes. Sponsored by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), these 22 projects encompass 26 (UK) universities, 75 partners from industry and the housing sector, and over 200 researchers from engineering, informatics, design and social sciences.

TEDDINET serves to encourage and enable communication and collaboration internally between participating researchers and practitioners, as well as externally between the research projects and industry, policy-makers, civil society and wider academia. We undertake a broad range of activities to collate, synthesise and share research findings, and develop the evidence base to inform government policies, societal debates and industrial strategies.

Questions addressed by TEDDINET and the (Build)TEDDI projects include:

  • How can digital energy technologies at home and work provide better information on energy demand?
  • What impact will digital technologies have on future energy demand?
  • How will digital technologies be used in practice to visualise, monitor and control energy usage?
  • How do we maximise the benefits of digital innovation for energy consumers?

Project Website: 

Principal Investigator: 

Research Institutes: 

  • Energy Systems

Research Themes: 

  • Energy Policy, Economics and Innovation

Last modified: 

Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 16:50