Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the School of Engineering

Salvador Barranco Cárceles, PhD research student at the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Sensing and Measurement, has won the best poster award at the IEEE UK Circuits and Systems Workshop 2019. His poster entitled Transforming Radiology: Flat Panel X-Ray Sources for Novel 3D Medical Imaging scooped the top prize at the event held at the Chelsea Old Town Hall, London in December.

Professor Peter Grant, the School’s Emeritus Professor and former Regius Chair of Engineering, has shed new light on the historical development of the measurement of electrical resistance in a journal article published in the Proceedings of the IEEE journal. Professor Grant's article explores the role of his predecessor, Professor Fleeming Jenkin, who was the first Regius Chair of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, in helping to standardise the definition of electrical resistance. 

Left to right: Professor Peter Grant (Proposer), Prof Mike Hinchey (IEEE UKRI Chair), Dr Robert Dent (IEEE History Committee Chair), Prof Jose Moura (IEEE President 2019) with the IEEE Milestone Plaque

The School’s Professor Harald Haas is leading the University’s involvement in INITIATE, an EPSRC-funded project which has just opened a call for collaboration from third party projects to explore the future capabilities of the internet. INITIATE brings together the UK’s expertise in network research and innovation along with operational, state-of the-art facilities at five leading networking labs in the Universities of Bristol, Lancaster, Edinburgh and King’s College London as well as at Digital Catapult, London.

A team of engineering students and recent graduates have won the University’s Business Ideas Competition for Engineering Students and Graduates with their idea to improve public transport using a ‘big data’ analytics platform. The Business Ideas Competition is run annually by the University’s commercialisation service, Edinburgh Innovations, and invites student to pitch their business ideas and win up to £1,000 to launch them.

Energy networks need to co-operate more across electricity, gas, and heat according to the “Getting to Net Zero: the role of energy networks” report published on 26 November 2019. The Getting to Net Zero working group is a short-term working group convened by Energy at Edinburgh (University of Edinburgh), the Scottish Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Association, and the Centre for Energy Policy (Strathclyde University), with members drawn from the energy networks sector. The School's Professor Gareth Harrison sits on the expert group, whose membership is drawn from across the energy supply sector and academia in Scotland.

Third year mechanical engineering student Maks Kozarzewski has been named in Forbes' '25 under 25' listing in Poland. He is one of just five young people listed in the ‘Innovation’ category for his work with the University’s student society HYPED. The list, which is compiled by Forbes magazine and McKinsey & Company Warsaw, seeks to identify rising stars with the potential to positively "influence the development of the Polish economy and society".

Maks Kozarzewski, who has been named in Forbes' '25 under 25' listing for Poland, pictured presenting at the School of Engineering Edinburgh Alumni Reception


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