Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the School of Engineering

Thomas Morstyn headshot, smiling, wearing a dark suit and white shirt

Full Job Title: 

Honorary Fellow

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Energy Systems


I am an Honorary Fellow with the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. My main position is Associate Professor in Power Systems with the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford.

To mark this year's International Women in Engineering Day, we interviewed Ewa, Alliance, Stella, Luisa, and Linda, team members of HYPED. HYPED is a student society based in the School of Engineering which works on Hyperloop technology. Hyperloop is a proposed form of future mass transport based on a network of near-vacuum steel tubes, through which magnetically levitating pods would transport humans and cargo. Pioneers of the technology have suggested that it could shorten a journey such as Edinburgh to London to 30 minutes. 

Ewa Radzanowska, Alliance Niyigena, Stella Antonogiannaki, Luisa Schrempf, and Linda di Felice of HYPED

Full Job Title: 


Engineering Discipline: 

  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Multiscale Thermofluids


After completing and access course with the Open University as a mature student I studied for my BSc(Hons) in Physics with Astrophysics at Nottingham Trent University.


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