Dr Gary Wells



2.2410 James Clerk Maxwell Building

Engineering Discipline

Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Research Institutes

Multiscale Thermofluids
Research Publications
Dr Gary Wells

After completing and access course with the Open University as a mature student I studied for my BSc(Hons) in Physics with Astrophysics at Nottingham Trent University. I continued my education and went on the gain a PhD Entitled “Voltage Programmable Liquid Optical Interfaces". After a short period as a fixed term lecturer I moved to an Industrial placement in the Hewlett Packard Displays Research Laboratory where I investigated the use of electro wetting in combination with liquid crystal displays. I was awarded an anniversary research fellowship at Northumbria University in 2013 and began research into surfaces and wetting with a particular interest in low contact angle hysteresis surfaces. In 2016 I became a senior lecturer at the same institution and in 2018 became the head of subject for Electrical Engineering. In July 2020 I became a Senior lecturer at Edinburgh University and moved my research into the Institute of Multiscale Thermofluids.    

  • BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics
  • PhD "Voltage Programmable Liquid Optical Interfaces

  • Member of Istitute of Physics (IOP)
  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Acadamy
  • Member of the EPSRC College of Reviewers
  • Commitee meber if IOP Pringting and Graphical Sciences Group

Engineering 1