The latest research activity within the Institute for Materials and Processes Composites Group (Fibre-reinforced Polymers) The Composites Group at The University of Edinburgh was founded in 2015, and has 7 academic and 30 research staff and students. Its focus is primarily on fibre reinforced polymer composite materials. Fibres studied include carbon, glass, basalt and natural fibres. Carbon Capture Group The carbon capture group at the University of Edinburgh's School of Engineering is one of the largest carbon capture research groupings in the United Kingdom, looking at capture and transportation of carbon dioxide. We have two main fields of interest: adsorption and power plant engineering, within which the members of the group possess a broad range of research expertise. Carbon Capture & Storage Journal Club The Carbon Capture & Storage Journal Club brings together researchers from various disciplines working on CCS related topics and provides a platform for discussion of inter- and cross-disciplinary concepts. Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions CSEC is the Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions at the University of Edinburgh. This article was published on 2024-09-16