Carbon Capture Group

The carbon capture group at the University of Edinburgh's School of Engineering is one of the largest carbon capture research groupings in the United Kingdom, looking at capture and transportation of carbon dioxide.

We have two main fields of interest: adsorption and power plant engineering, within which the members of the group possess a broad range of research expertise. We are also a member of the Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage (SCCS) Centre which is the largest CCS grouping in the UK with members from the University of Edinburgh's Schools of Geosciences, Engineering, and Chemistry, Heriot-Watt University, and the British Geological Survey. The SCCS Centre comprises in excess of 75 researchers.

flowchart showing various sources of co2 and capture and storage methods
Carbon Capture

The adsorption group's expertise covers:

  • Testing and ranking of adsorbents for carbon dioxide capture using the zero-length column system
  • Molecular modelling and simulation of novel nanoporous materials
  • Dynamic process modelling and simulation of adsorption and membrane-based capture technologies
  • Process integration and optimisation
  • Circulating fluidised beds
  • Mixed-matrix membranes and carbon nanotubes

The power plant engineering group's expertise covers:

  • Power plant engineering with carbon capture
  • Post-combustion capture for coal and natural gas, and oxyfuel combustion
  • Process engineering, control and techno-economics of transient capture operations
  • Techno-economics of CO2 capture and transport in low carbon electricity markets

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