All research themes at the Institute for Integrated Micro and Nano Systems. Materials and Structures The materials and structures research theme encompasses the development of novel materials and their integration with electronics to make smart sensors and systems. Optical Systems and Materials Photonic materials, displays, light sources, and other systems and devices, engineered to provide the manipulation of light from micro- and nano-structured materials. Sensors The integration of novel materials and devices with electronics to sense a range of physical properties such as heat, light, sound, radiation or chemical signatures such as pathogens or gases. This also includes integrating sensors with CMOS to increase their functionality (More than Moore) which involves both design and technology development. Smart MEMS and Microsystems Technology Our vision is to treat platform silicon IC technology as a commodity element of the system with the value added part being the bespoke post-processing and the associated IP. Smart Wireless Devices and Systems The design of energy efficient embedded communication centric devices for internet –of-thing as well as emerging smart and wearable mobile devices This article was published on 2024-09-16