Our vision is to treat platform silicon IC technology as a commodity element of the system with the value added part being the bespoke post-processing and the associated IP. The term Smart Microsystem refers to micro and nano-scale devices that combine electronic integrated circuits with additional, non-electronic components on a single substrate; thereby providing additional functionality. Such microsystems can be sub-divided into a myriad of application groups, including chemical, biological, optical, mechanical, electromagnetic and fluidic. The substrates on which Smart Microystems are fabricated are predominantly CMOS silicon but may also include compound semiconductors, glass, sapphire and flexible polymers. The sizes of the substrates could be anywhere from 200mm diameter wafers down to millimetre scale chips.As state-of-the-art CMOS technology is readily available from foundries without the need for any capital investment, the potential exists for SMEs and start-up companies to readily exploit any technology that is developed. Moreover, as IC foundry-processes are updated, the technology is immediately accessible making any technology/product development future-proofed without additional financial outlay. Technologies such as the integration of novel materials and 3D integration at both wafer and chip scale can be implemented by post-processing standard foundry wafers, taking full advantage of wafer bonding techniques developed primarily for SOI and MEMS applications. More than Moore technology in the form of smart microsystems provides opportunities for integrating a wide variety of technologies with silicon to provide a wealth of R&D opportunities that can readily be exploited. Research ProjectsUltra-Parallel Visible Light Communications (UP-VLC)–(EP/K00042X/1)Million frame per second, time-correlated single photon camera (MEGAFRAME)Multiplexed 'Touch and Tell' Optical Molecular Sensing and Imaging (EP/K03/1197X)IMPACT: Implantable Microsystems for Personalised Anti-Cancer TherapySmart Microsystems (EPSRC–IeMRC FS/01/02/10)REFINE:A coordinated materials programme for the sustainable reduction of spent fuel vital In a closed loop Nuclear Energy cycle (EPSRC EP/J000779/1)Actinide Recycling by Separation and Transmutation (EC FP7-Euratom, no.2007-211267)SACSESS:Safety of Actinide Separation Processes (EC FP7-Euratom-Fission no.323282)RASOR: Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration in Proteomic TechnologiesIntegration of Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) with Electronics in Silicon Carbide for Harsh Environments (GR/T06322/01)Robust Efficient Low Power Mechanical Resonators and Mixers (L/CB/POC/7-MOE001)Modelling Dynamic Biological Systems: Centre for Systems Biology(BB/D019621/1)CENSIS: Centre for Sensor and Imaging SystemsSCUBA-2: Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (STFC) - The largest and most sensitive (10-17 W/√Hz) sub-millimetre bolometer array in the worldJCMT TelescopeSOCCAD: Automatic Generation of New Hybrid SoC Architectures for Low Power High Performance Applications (EP/C528328/1)Smart Micro-antenna Proof of concept: Steerable Antenna and MEMS RF switches) (11-DME-011)ESPACENET: Evolvable Networks of Intelligent & Secure Integrated & Distributed Reconfigurable System-On-Chip Sensor Nodes for Aerospace Based Monitoring & Diagnostics (EP/C546318/1)ReSIP: Reconfigurable System-on-Chip based Networks of Integrated and Distributed Sensor Platform Nodes for Environmental Diagnostic and Sensing (EP/C51503X/1)Multi-channel MEMS/CMOS microphone (EP/G063710/1)MetoxiaChronic Wound Care: £7.9M R&D projectGOLEM: Bio-inspired Assembly Process for Micro and Nano ProductsHYPIX: Hybrid organic semiconductor/gallium nitride/CMOS smart pixel arraysBiosensor PlatformBoiling Heat Transfer with Controlled Arrays Of Nucleation Sites on Silicon SurfacesBoiling and Condensation in MicrochannelsBoiling in Microchannels: Integrated Design of Closed-loop Cooling System for Devices Operating at High Heat FluxesEquipment for Supporting Microsystems Research at Edinburgh & IMRC related projects at Cambridge, Cranfield, Heriot-Watt & Loughborough Electroplated Permalloy on an SU-8 mould fabricated at the SMC. This technology is required for the integration of magnetic components on CMOS. This article was published on 2024-09-16