Energy Systems research activity

The latest research activity within the Institute for Energy Systems

Break-down of domestic electricity demand by load type

The Smart Grid Journal Club brings together researchers from various disciplines working on smart grid related topics.  We meet on a regular bi-weekly basis and we discuss journal publications on smart grids. We are an open and friendly group and we try to keep our meetings relaxed and informal.

Edinburgh Fluid Dynamics Group logo text underneath graphical representation of a drop in water with expanding rings

The Edinburgh Fluid Dynamics Group aims to promote a sustainable culture of cooperation and leadership in fluid dynamics research within the University of Edinburgh.

The integration of distributed and non-dispatchable renewable energy into the wider energy system (electricity, heat/cold and transport) poses significant challenges for the design and operation of the energy system. For example, due to the increasing fraction of non-dispatchable generation it becomes more important to provide novel mechanisms to balance supply and demand.

Fluid dynamics plays an essential role in our everyday life. You might think of our blood flow, on hot summer days the air-conditioning system, the potable water network, or stirring our coffee in the mornings to enhance the mixing process and the heat transfer.

The Carbon Capture & Storage Journal Club brings together researchers from various disciplines working on CCS related topics and provides a platform for discussion of inter- and cross-disciplinary concepts.

Failure Modes of Engineering (FeME): a network for future inclusivity, sustainability, and global impact.

An interdisciplinary programme combining research and network building across different areas of engineering, science, systems, education, and psychology.