Services and Facilities

We have some of the best research facilities, laboratories and resources in the world. Discover how the School of Engineering can help with your research.


We welcome any opportunity to work with external organisations upon collaborative projects. The University has a variety of models for collaboration, such as consultancy contracts, knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs) or sponsored research.

Our consultancy work is arranged through the University's commercialisation organisation, Edinburgh Innovations.


Our facilities are often used in collaborative projects with industry, government and other Universities and include:

  • FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility for wave and tidal devices enhances the University's leadership in low-carbon energy research
  • The BRE Centre for Fire Safety Engineering hosts bespoke equipment to support research and consultancy with precisely controlled high temperatures and the latest image analysis techniques
  • The Structures Test Hall is our high-headroom lab for testing large and unusual assemblies. There are state-of-the-art lab facilities for developing and testing NDE and material handling technologies, a smart infrastructure lab and a good range of environmental engineering testing resources for the water and waste management sectors

View all of our facilities.