Energy Systems research themes

All Research Themes at the Institute for Energy Systems.

Magnetic levitation of superconductor

Superconductivity is broadly recognised for its contribution to solving key research and societal challenges in Energy and Healthcare sectors. This theme includes research into the synthesis, characterisation and understanding of superconducting materials, as well as the design, modelling and testing of superconducting devices.

20kW C-GEN permanent magnet generator

This theme focusses on converting energy from one form into electrical energy using electrical machines and power electronics.

The energy trilemma: Meeting the requirements for reducing CO2 emissions, competitive energy costs, and securing the energy supply (Source: E.ON)

The Energy Policy, Economics and Innovation theme addresses the economic and policy aspects of energy systems, combining together expertise on applied economics, innovation theory, energy system organisations and institutions, and the wider policy and regulatory context of energy.

Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (ACAES)

The aim of the group is to develop cost-competitive technologies for electricity and thermal energy storage. The work ranges from the development of the storage technologies to their integration into the wider energy system.

Scotland Waver Power map, showing that the greatest power of waves is in the far north west coastal waters

Understanding the interactions between energy generation and climate is crucial to providing a resilient and secure energy supply in the future.

Separated vortex ring in the wake of a porous disk

Our research in fluid mechanics aims at developing new knowledge and technology to decarbonise our society; to combat climate change and its impacts; to enable secure, affordable and clean energy; and to conserve and sustainably use the oceans and seas.

Flowave spike wave

This research theme focusses on offshore renewable energy research and development ranging from resource assessment and prediction, to converter design, optimisation and control.

Transmission Tower and Wind Turbine

Privatisation and deregulation of the electricity industry together with increasing penetrations of renewable and gas-fired generation have created a variety of technical and economic issues that must be addressed. These issues are separated into 5 research areas.

Offshore wind turbines at the Rampion wind farm

This research theme focusses on the research and development of both onshore and offshore wind energy. Our wind energy research covers topics such as powertrain and generator design and modelling, grid integration, aerodynamics and hydrodynamic modelling and testing of floating turbines, blade design and analysis, power-to-X methodologies, condition and structural health monitoring of turbines and life cycle assessments of wind energy.