Offshore Renewable Energy

This research theme focusses on offshore renewable energy research and development ranging from resource assessment and prediction, to converter design, optimisation and control.

Flowave spike wave
Concentrated wave generated in the combined current and wave test facility

Renewable resources covered include wave, tidal and offshore wind. Further details of research within this theme can be found on the website for SuperGen Marine Energy Research. A further, closely-related research area is coastal engineering.

Much of the work in this theme aims to support the development of marine energy resources. These include developing solutions to the technical difficulties posed by connecting marine renewables to networks and improving its competitiveness (Power Systems) and development of alternative energy vectors to assist the power system harness variable renewables (Energy and Climate Change). Extensive testing is undertaken using the facilites with the School of Engineering. Notably, these include the new combined current and wave test facility and the curved wave tank.

Theme leader: David Ingram

Salter Duck wave energy converter test rig
Salter Duck wave energy converter test rig

Research areas within this research theme:

  • Marine Energy Converters
  • Marine Energy Control and Power Take-Off
  • Marine Energy Resources
  • Coastal Defence