Professor of CFD and Director of Diversity & Inclusion Email Telephone +44(0)131 6519022 Location 3.106 Faraday Building Engineering Discipline Mechanical Engineering Research Institutes Energy Systems Research Publications Biography Employment History David was awarded a personal chair in Computational Fluid Dynamics by the Court of the University of Edinburgh in June 2009, following his appointment as a Reader in the Institute for Energy Systems in April 2006. He is currently the Director of Diversity & Inclusion in the School of Engineering and, since July 2011 has been Director of the Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE). Previously he was the Schools Director of Discipline for Engineering Mathematics, Director of Research and the Head of the Engineering Graduate School. He joined IES from Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) where he was Reader in Scientific Computation in the Department of Computing and Mathematics. He joined MMU as lecturer in Mathematics (specialising in Numerical Analysis) following the completion of his PhD in 1992. Major research grants David is currently Research Director of the UK Centre for Marine Energy Research (EP/P008682/1, EP/M014738/1 & EP/I027912/1), a £5.3M, interdisciplinary, challenge led, collaborative research programme funded under the RCUK SuperGen programme that coordinates the research work of more than 100 academic and research staff across 25 UK Universities in both the wave and tidal energy sectors. David is Director of the Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (EP/J500847/1), a £6.5M CDT that is training 66 EngD students from 2012-2022. IDCORE is funded by the ETI and the RCUK Energy programme and is run by a consortium of the Universities of Edinburgh, Exeter and Strathclyde, together with the Scottish Association for Marine Science and HR-Wallingford. It will be succeeded by the recently announced Industrial CDT in Offshore Renewable Energy (EP/S023933/1), funded by EPSRC and NERC, which will train an additional 50 EngD students. He is an active member of RealTide (H2020-727689) project. He was part of the management teams for the WETFEET (H2020-641334), PolyWEC (FP7-309139), MARINA Platform (FP7-241402) and TROPOS (FP7-288192). He coordinated EquiMar (FP7-213380), a 22-partner project that developed protocols for the equitable evaluation of offshore renewable devices. He was one of three investigators who secured £6M funding from the EPSRC to design build FloWave the worlds first, circular, combined wave and current test basin. He is presently the facility Director and recently led a submission to EPSRC’s Statements of Need for Medium Scale Research Facilities to bring together facilities in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Plymouth to form the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Since 1990, he has raised over £3M in research funding for his own University. Academic Qualifications PhD - Computational Fluid Dynamics, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1992. BSc (Hons) Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, University of Greenwich, 1988 PGCE (Further, Adult and Higher Education), Manchester Metropolitan University, 1995 Professional Qualifications and Memberships Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology (IMarEST), 2019 Charterd Marine Scientist, CSci, CMarSci, 2019 Teaching David is a member of the Mechanical Engineering discipline and is the Course Organiser for Computational Fluid Dynamics 5 and teaches on Partial Differential Equations 3. He is also the Course Organiser for Engineering Mathematics 2A - teaching mathematical methods for the solution of higher order Ordinary Differential Equations and introducing Partial Differential Equations David also teaches on the IDCORE programme and on the CDT in Wind and Marine Energy Systems. Specialities Free surface flow modelling Development of time marching computational fluid dynamics solvers Violent wave interaction with coastal structures Simulation of wave and tidal current renewable energy devices. Shallow water flow modelling The Cartesian cut cell method for boundary fitted mesh generation Technology Matching and Technology Evaluation Further Information Member of the Joint Research Institute in Energy, part of the Edinburgh Research Partnership funded by the Scottish Funding Council. Awarded the 1997 Busk Prize by the Council of the Royal Aeronautical Society.