Marine and Environmental Fluid Dynamics Journal Club

Fluid dynamics plays an essential role in our everyday life. You might think of our blood flow, on hot summer days the air-conditioning system, the potable water network, or stirring our coffee in the mornings to enhance the mixing process and the heat transfer. On a more global scale the physical laws of fluid dynamics describe the flows in our rivers, seas and oceans, and determine the efficiency of our energy production and transportation. On the one hand, the ability to describe and understand certain fluid flow phenomena significantly contributed to our technical development in the last centuries. On the other hand, we need to keep progressing the field in order to satisfy the higher and higher expectations of our society and maintain sustainable development.

The goal of the Marine and Environmental Fluid Dynamics Journal Club is to serve as a forum for researchers in Edinburgh, whose research focus is on marine energy and transportation, coastal management, meteorology, hydrology, hydraulics, limnology, and oceanography.

The meetings take place every second week in a friendly environment, and the rooms are booked for an hour. There are typically one or two 10-15 minute long presentations followed by discussion sessions. The presented papers are chosen by the presenters and they are related to their research. During the meetings the members have the opportunity to expand their research networks within the fluid dynamics community of Edinburgh, establish future collaborations, build friendships, and give each other useful feedback.

The journal club is fundamentally informal. We have the following suggestions to the presenters:

  1. The chosen paper is related to marine and environmental fluid dynamics research;
  2. Every member of the journal club presents on a regular basis;
  3. The presented paper is normally not authored by any member of the journal club.

The journal club also maintains a wiki page. The materials from the meetings are uploaded to the wiki page and it also serves as a blog and a forum for the members:

We are a friendly and open community and we would be glad to welcome new members in our club. If you found the above description interesting, and you would like to join us, please do not hesitate to send us an email (