Dr Thomas Morstyn

Honorary Fellow

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Energy Systems

Research Theme: 

  • Energy and Climate Change
  • Energy Policy, Economics and Innovation
  • Power Systems
Thomas Morstyn headshot, smiling, wearing a dark suit and white shirt
Thomas Morstyn


I am an Honorary Fellow with the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. My main position is Associate Professor in Power Systems with the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. I am also an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and Co-Chair of the IEEE Power & Energy Society Taskforce on Quantum Computing for Power System Operations. My research is focused on the design of control systems and markets to enable the large-scale integration of distributed power system flexibility.

University of Oxford web page: https://eng.ox.ac.uk/people/thomas-morstyn

Academic Qualifications: 

  • PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of New South Wales, 2016.      
  • BEng in Electrical Engineering with First Class (H1) Honours, University of Melbourne, 2011.

Professional Qualifications and Memberships: 

  • Senior Member, IEEE
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems


  • PhD supervision.

Research Interests: 

Power systems are undergoing a fundamental transition due to the rapid adoption of distributed renewable generation, the electrification of heating and transport, and the new availability of customer-level sensing, communications and control. My research focuses on the design of control systems and markets which can manage this transition by integrating distributed flexibility at scale into power system operation and design. This is underpinned by work in systems modelling, multi-agent control, optimisation and mechanism design.

I also collaborates with economists, computer scientists and social scientists to incorporate new advances from areas including game theory, machine learning and quantum computing, and to study the wider impacts and policy implications of new power system technologies.


Software & Models:

  • We've developed a high fidelity 1900-node model for Great Britain's transmission network and balancing mechanism combining data from the National Grid Electricity 10 Year Statement and market data from Elexon.
  • The Open Platform for Energy Networks (OPEN) is an open-source software platform for integrated modelling, control and simulation of smart local energy systems: The code and documentation are free to download and use.


  • Power system modelling and control
  • Electricity market design
  • Peer-to-peer energy trading
  • Electric vehicle smart charging and vehicle-to-grid
  • Microgrid control

Further Information: 

If you are interested in collaborating or pursuing a PhD in one of my areas of research interest, please get in touch by email (thomas.morstyn@eng.ox.ac.uk).