
Communications ERPE Research Sub Theme

Research Institute: 

  • Imaging, Data and Communications


Mr Junkai Zhang is currently a PhD student supervised by Prof John Thompson at the School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, UK.

The primary focus of the programme proposed here is to build across two universities (Strathclyde and Edinburgh) a world leading UK research, development and applications capability in the field of in-situ chemical and particulate measurement and imaging diagnostics for energy process engineering. Independently, the two university groups already have globally eminent capabilities in laser-based chemical and particulate measurement and imaging technologies. They have recently been working in partnership on a highly complex engineering project (EPSRC FLITES) to realise a chemical species measurement and diagnostic imaging system (7m diameter) that can be used on the exhaust plume of the largest gas turbine (aero) engines for engine health monitoring and fuels evaluation. Success depended on the skills acquired by the team and their highly collaborative partnership working. A key objective is to keep this team together and to enhance their capability, thus underpinning the research and development of industrial products, technology and applications. The proposed grant would also accelerate the exploitation of a strategic opportunity in the field that arises from the above work and from recent recruitment of academic staff to augment their activities. The proposed programme will result in a suite of new (probably hybrid) validated, diagnostic techniques for high-temperature energy processes (e.g. fuel cells, gas turbine engines, ammonia-burning engines, flame systems, etc.). 

Research Themes: 

  • Institute for Imaging, Data and Communications Themes
  • Communications
  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Tomography
Spatial Resolution Optimisation Graph

This project combines novel low-THz (LTHz) sensor development with advanced video analysis, fusion and cross learning. Using the two streams integrated within the sensing, information and control systems of a modern automobile, we aim to map terrain and identify hazards such as potholes and surface texture changes in all weathers, and to detect and classify other road users (pedestrians, car, cyclists etc.).

Research Themes: 

  • Communications
  • Signal and Image Processing

The School's Dr Javier Escudero is part of a team of researchers behind an innovative dementia diagnosis method based on machine learning. The method was proposed in a research article which has since been recognised as the top paper published in 2018 by BJGP Open, a journal edited by the Royal College of General Practitioners.

Illustration of a person's brain with overlay of artificially intelligence related illustrations


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