Institute for Energy Systems Themes

Institute for Energy Systems Research Themes

Energy networks need to co-operate more across electricity, gas, and heat according to the “Getting to Net Zero: the role of energy networks” report published on 26 November 2019. The Getting to Net Zero working group is a short-term working group convened by Energy at Edinburgh (University of Edinburgh), the Scottish Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Association, and the Centre for Energy Policy (Strathclyde University), with members drawn from the energy networks sector. The School's Professor Gareth Harrison sits on the expert group, whose membership is drawn from across the energy supply sector and academia in Scotland.

The University of Edinburgh has re-launched the world’s first free open online course exploring the key role that carbon capture and storage technology (CCS) can play in tackling the effects of climate change. The course has been developed by leading academics Dr Mathieu Lucquiaud from the School of Engineering and Dr Mark Wilkinson from the School of Geosciences, alongside researcher Mennat Labib who is based in the School’s Carbon Capture and Storage Group.

Dr Stefanos Papanicolopulos and Dr Mathieu Lucquiaud from our School have each been awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Industrial Fellowship. They are among 19 mid-career researchers around the country whose research has been recognised in this way. The RAEng’s Industrial Fellowship programme is designed to strengthen links between universities and industry through the development of new collaborative partnerships with strong industrial relevance.

Wave energy company Mocean Energy has selected technology developed by the School's Professor Markus Mueller to power its new prototype. Mocean won £3.3million in funding from Scottish Government-funded Wave Energy Scotland (WES) earlier this year, to develop and build a half-scale prototype of its Blue Horizon wave machine. The prototype will be deployed in real sea conditions off Orkney next year.

The School's C-GEN technology will be deployed in a half-scale prototype wave energy generator off the coast of Orkney next year

The School of Engineering is part of a network of leading UK universities and international industry bodies aiming to accelerate the switch to green energy and propulsion across road, rail, sea and air freight modes. Three academics from our School are representing the University of Edinburgh in the network: Dr Ignazio Maria Viola who is Co-Investigator on the project, alongside Professor Steve Finney and Professor Markus Müller – all from the School’s Institute for Energy Systems (IES).

The Decarbonising the UK’s Freight Transport Network brings together over forty academic and industry partners including researchers from our School


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