Engineering Research News

Selected Research and Postgraduate Engineering news articles. You can also view all School of Engineering news.
  • Dr Stefanos Papanicolopulos and Dr Mathieu Lucquiaud from our School have each been awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Industrial Fellowship. They are among 19 mid-career researchers around the country whose research has been recognised in this way. The RAEng’s Industrial Fellowship programme is designed to strengthen links between universities and industry through the development of new collaborative partnerships with strong industrial relevance.

  • REF eligible staff are invited to declare any circumstances that have impacted on their ability to research productively (e.g. extended periods of family-related leave, secondments or career breaks) during the REF 2021 assessment period.

    REF2021 Research Excellence Framework logo
  • The School's Professor Alistair Borthwick FICE, FREng, FRSE has been presented with the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Gold Medal for his lifetime contribution to civil engineering education, training and mentoring. A Gold Medal is awarded annually by the ICE to recognise individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the civil engineering profession over many years.

  • The University of Edinburgh is to join a national research community working to improve infrastructure and cities in the UK and beyond, it was announced today. The University joins the UK Collaboratorium for Research on Infrastructure and Cities (UKCRIC) along with Heriot-Watt University in a collaboration known jointly as the Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering. UKRIC consists of 15 University partners, working to improve infrastructure decision making through collaborative research.

  • The School's Professor of Mobile Communications, Harald Haas, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in recognition of his outstanding and continuing contributions to the profession. Professor Haas has pioneered advances in the design of networked visible light communication systems, known as 'LiFi' (Light Fidelity) based on light emitting diode transmitters and the invention of spatial modulation for simplifying the implementation of mobile multiple input, multiple output wireless transmission systems.

    The School's Professor Harald Haas has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
  • University Court has committed funding for a major new School of Engineering building at its Meeting on Monday 30 September 2019. At a cost of £33.5m, work on Engineering Module 1 will commence in spring 2020 and is due to be completed in summer 2022. The development at the south west corner of the King’s Buildings campus will host new classrooms, research spaces and computer labs, alongside the offices of the Head of School and Professional Services, and Engineering Teaching Organisation, over an area of 6,500 sqm on five floors.

    Architect's image of Engineering Module 1 (Copyright: BDP)
  • Sprays in engineering applications: modelling and experimental studies

    The sixth meeting of the UK Fluids Network SIG on Sprays was recently held at the University of Edinburgh's Pollock Halls on 16th August 2019.

    image of downward spray emitted from nozzle of can at top left, with black background
  • Wave energy company Mocean Energy has selected technology developed by the School's Professor Markus Mueller to power its new prototype. Mocean won £3.3million in funding from Scottish Government-funded Wave Energy Scotland (WES) earlier this year, to develop and build a half-scale prototype of its Blue Horizon wave machine. The prototype will be deployed in real sea conditions off Orkney next year.

    The School's C-GEN technology will be deployed in a half-scale prototype wave energy generator off the coast of Orkney next year


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