Engineering Research News

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  • Earlier this month, on Tuesday 9 April, the Royal Society of Chemistry Scotland and North of England Electrochemistry Symposium 2019, also known as the “Butler Meeting”, was hosted at the School. Over 80 delegates gathered for the one-day symposium, which presented an opportunity for PhD students and PDRAs from across Scotland and the North of England to meet their peers and showcase their research in any field related to fundamental and applied electrochemistry.

    Professor Kevin Sivula opens the Royal Society of Chemistry Scotland and North of England Electrochemistry Symposium 2019
  • A group of students from the School has become one of only 20 teams in the UK to reach the shortlist stage of the Royal Academy of Engineering Global Grand Challenges Summit (GGCS) 2019. GGCS is a challenge-led innovation, design and business development programme which invites student teams to propose innovations to address global challenges, ranging from world hunger and water shortages to equal access to technology.

    Royal Academy of Engineering Global Grand Challenges Summit
  • The School's Dr Katherine Dunn recently chaired the international research meeting Nucleic Acids in MEdicine (NAME) 2019 at Murchison House, exploring possibilities for collaboration between European academics and industry partners at the interface between engineering and life sciences.

    The Nucleic Acids in MEdicine (NAME) international research meeting takes place at the King's Buildings
  • On Tuesday 19 March, Richard Lochhead, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education & Science and MSP for Moray, visited the University’s HYPED team following their recent success in reaching the finals of the international SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition 2019.

    Richard Lochhead MSP (centre) with HYPED team members (L-R) Daniel Carbonell, Mac Versey, Maisie Edwards-Mowforth and Hamish Geddes
  • Staff and students from the School were recognised in two categories at the University’s Sustainability Awards 2018 during a ceremony on 28 March 2019. Institute of Energy Systems PhD student Zihao Li won Silver in the Student Residence category, while the Chemical Engineering Teaching Lab took Bronze in the Labs category.

    Sustainability Award recipients: (from left to right) IES PhD student Zihao Li wins Silver in the Student Residence category; Dr Rupert Myers, Mr Gordon Paterson and Dr Enzo Mangano of the Chemical Engineering Teaching Lab take Bronze in the Labs category
  • On Monday 4 March, over 100 guests gathered for a special public panel discussion to explore emerging engineering technologies and their future role in society. Organised jointly with the Royal Academy of Engineering, this was the final event in the School’s year-long series of celebrations marking 150 years since the University was granted the UK’s first Regius Chair of Engineering.

    L-R: Professor Mark Miodownik (UCL) chairs a panel discussion with Brian Gerardot (Heriot-Watt University), Colin McInnes (University of Glasgow) and Susan Rosser (University of Edinburgh)
  • The School’s Regius Professor of Engineering Jason Meredith Reese, who died suddenly at the early age of 51 on Friday 8 March, was an internationally renowned engineering scientist, respected academic and a valued mentor to many.


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