Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering

Highly Commended

Third year, BEng Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

In Germany, I was raised in a half-Indian, half-German family. Starting with timber construction and moving on to electronics later, I was fascinated by planning projects from complete scratch, to then pursuing them from beginning to end. 

Lalit Mistry with his ergonomic keyboards

Highly Commended

Fourth year, BEng Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

I attended an international school in Madrid, Spain, where being dyslexic and having ADHD meant I struggled with essay-based subjects; alternatively, I developed my love for maths and physics.

Close up  of Rodrigo wearing blue overalls in a dairy farm

MEng Mechanical Engineering, 2021

I spent the two years between high school and University training as an elite athlete in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. I competed internationally in cross-country skiing and in the off season I would run, hike and road and mountain bike.

Peter Hicks cycling their road bike with blue sky in the background

Final year, MEng Mechanical Engineering

I was born in Northern Ireland and moved over to Dumfries and Galloway in South West Scotland in 2009. I really enjoyed making my own fun in the rural area and got involved in many sports during high school.

Louis Moore standing beside his road bike beside the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation

Highly Commended

Third year MEng Mechanical Engineering. Member of the University of Edinburgh’s Athletics team and Edinburgh Engineers Rugby

I was born in Inverness, Scotland where I've lived my whole life before university with my three brothers and parents.

Andrew McFarlane photographed as he runs towards the Pole Vault

Highly Commended

Second year PhD student, Institute of Multiscale Thermofluids

I belong to a society where engineering (especially mechanical engineering) is always supposed to be "the boys' field". But I always found it fascinating how things work and the physics behind it.

Anam standing beide a blue bus with the words "University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore" written in white


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