Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering

To mark this year's International Women in Engineering Day, we interviewed Ewa, Alliance, Stella, Luisa, and Linda, team members of HYPED. HYPED is a student society based in the School of Engineering which works on Hyperloop technology. Hyperloop is a proposed form of future mass transport based on a network of near-vacuum steel tubes, through which magnetically levitating pods would transport humans and cargo. Pioneers of the technology have suggested that it could shorten a journey such as Edinburgh to London to 30 minutes. 

Ewa Radzanowska, Alliance Niyigena, Stella Antonogiannaki, Luisa Schrempf, and Linda di Felice of HYPED

As part of our 'Women in Engineering' features, we interviewed several team members of Edinburgh University Formula Student - a student society which each year designs and builds a Formula One-style racing car to compete at the Formula Student competition at SIlverstone racetrack.

L-R: Izzy Lyseggen, Emma Cheetham, and Grace Johnson of Edinburgh University Formula Student

The aim of this project is to develop manufacturing upcycling technologies to re-use prepreg scrap and determine the resultant mechanical properties. This project mitigates the environmental impact of conventional composite manufacturing processes reducing air emissions and energy consumption. It also contributes towards a sustainable economy reducing the waste disposal fees paid by commercial companies and recovering commercial value from the composite scrap. 

Research Themes: 

  • Structural Engineering
Manufacturing process of recycled composite laminates


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