Materials and Processes

Institute for Materials and Processes (IMP) at the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh

The Engineering Teaching Organisation greatly enjoyed welcoming all of our new students to The School of Engineering during welcome week.

Staff and students gathered under the Sanderson Building entrance, School of Engineering, King's Buildings

These are some ideas assessed at the second Engineers to the Rescue Workshop on Wednesday 28 September 2016. Two hours are not enough to develop a business model but how about developing an undergraduate research project or public engagement event in a similar workshop?

Engineering Students gathered around a table discussing the big issue: How do we collect plastic waste?

Full Job Title: 


Engineering Discipline: 

  • Mechanical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Materials and Processes



+44(0)131 6504862

I am a Reader in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Edinburgh, UK.

The Carbon Capture & Storage Journal Club brings together researchers from various disciplines working on CCS related topics and provides a platform for discussion of inter- and cross-disciplinary concepts.


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