Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering at the School of Engineering

Full Job Title: 

IIE - Machine learning assisted flood characterisation and simulation in the sponge cities in China

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Infrastructure and Environment


What attracted you to the University of Edinburgh and this programme, in particular?

The Civil Engineering programme integrates numerous elements of sustainability and the environment into the degree. Also, the picturesque landscapes of Edinburgh reminded me of Hogwarts!

What do you wish you'd worried about less about coming to university?

I wish I’d worried less about making new friends here because the community in Edinburgh is friendly and easy-going. 


MEng (Hons) Civil Engineering, 2013

What path has your career taken since graduation?

I graduated with first class honours MEng Civil Engineering from the University of Edinburgh in the summer of 2013. A couple of months before graduation I secured interviews with several different engineering and construction companies and was offered a graduate structural engineer position with Wardell Armstrong in their Edinburgh office.

Silvian Grosu

MEng (Hons) Structural Engineering with Fire Safety, 2011

What path has your career taken since graduation?

Stephen Dickson


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