Materials and Processes

Institute for Materials and Processes (IMP) at the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh

About King's Buildings

King's Buildings Campus, University of Edinburgh

The King's Buildings is home to several education and research organisations:

Business case studies

Wave Making Technology - Edinburgh Designs Ltd

Spinout companies

Spinouts are companies started by School staff, where the University holds the intellectual property rights.


Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions, Edinburgh

Centre for Biomedical Engineering at Edinburgh (CBEE)

Institute for Materials and Processes

Dr Jane Blackford undertakin snow and ice research invetsigating a snow pack

Our vision is to produce world-class research to advance engineering applications of materials and processes, and to provide a high-quality and creative research environment.

Visit Us

Current students assisting visitors at a University of Edinburgh Open Day

We know it’s important for prospective students and offer holders to have an opportunity to visit the University before commencing their studies.

About the School of Engineering

Sanderson Building, The School of Engineering

Over 250 staff and 2500 students sit within four teaching Disciplines and seven Research Institutes covering the breadth and depth of world-leading engineering.

The Arkwright Scholarships Trust has made its 2012 award of Scholarships for aspiring leaders in engineering. 335 Scholarships for school students and 4 Undergraduate Scholarships were awarded – the largest ever annual number.

Professor Peter Grant giving his speech at the Arkwright Scholarships


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