How can light bulbs be smart? Could LED light bulbs really be used for wireless data communication?


Stand in St Andrews Square (Venue 372) ​


Friday, August 14, 2015 - 15:00 to 16:00

Come and see how Li-Fi works on Friday at 3 o'clock in the yurt in St Andrews Square.

Get your ticket at

Two researchers from the Li-Fi Research and Development Centre will be explaining how this new wireless technology, Li-Fi, can change our lives in the future.

Li-Fi is being pioneered here at the University of Edinburgh - another Scottish Invention!

Li-Fi will be a central part of future hybrid networks in homes, schools, offices and smart cities, and there will be new Li-Fi networks for aeroplanes, hospitals, even for communication underwater.

Want to be part of the future 'Internet of Things'? Come and find out about it from the researchers.

Further Information