Hudson Beare, Classroom 4
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 - 13:00 to 14:00
Speaker: Scott Draper
Title: Optimum arrangements of tidal or wind turbines
A classical analytical model has been available since the 1920’s to predict the upper limit to power generation for a single wind turbine. In recent years this classical model has been extended in two important ways: (i) to consider a confined flow around a turbine (so as to model, for example, a wind turbine in a wind tunnel or a tidal turbine in a tidal channel) and (ii) to allow for analysis of a single row of turbines placed side-by-side. These extensions have improved our understanding of turbine performance, yet questions still remain surrounding the optimum arrangement of a small number of turbines so as to maximise power generation. For instance, should turbines within an array be placed close together in the spanwise direction and/or streamwise direction? And should they be staggered or placed side-by-side in one long row? In this presentation we introduce the classical model and then extend it in a new way to answer these questions for the first time. This leads to rather general conclusions that can be used to optimise the arrangement of tidal turbines in tidal channels and small arrays of tidal or wind turbines in the open ocean.
Scott is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Australia, where he has worked since 2011. Prior to this he completed a DPhil (PhD) in Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. His DPhil thesis was on tidal stream power generation, and addressed how much energy can be extracted for human use from fast moving tidal currents. At UWA he now works more generally on fluid mechanics in offshore engineering, including estimating hydrodynamic forces on subsea pipelines and infrastructure, and modelling wave-structure interactions of floating systems.
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