Sanderson Building, Classroom 3
Process Systems Engineering (PSE) deals with methods and tools to support decision-making for the creation and operation of chemical supply chains, including the discovery, design, manufacturing, processing, and distribution of chemical products. In other words, PSE is about educated decision-making, at all levels and (size/time) scales, by understanding complex systems using a holistic view.
Tony Kiss is a professor and chair in chemical engineering at The University of Manchester, and a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award holder. He has over a decade of industrial experience, working as Senior Project Manager and RD&I Specialist in Separation Technology at AkzoNobel – Research, Development & Innovation. Besides his industrial role, he has been appointed as part-time professor of Separation Technology at University of Twente (Sustainable Process Technology group). He holds a PhD title from University of Amsterdam, and he was also Post Doctoral research fellow at TU Delft and University of Amsterdam. During the past decade, he carried out many research & industrial projects, supervised graduation projects, published several textbooks, book chapters, and over 100 scientific articles. For the pioneering work and remarkable achievements in his area of scientific research, he was rewarded in 2013 with the Hoogewerff Jongerenprijs – a very prestigious award recognizing the most promising young scientist in The Netherlands. He also received the AkzoNobel Innovation Excellence Award for the most successful industrial innovation. More info is available at: www.tonykiss.com
Event Contact Name:
Dr Francisco R Garcia Garcia