IMT seminar: Dr Wei Su - Multiscale simulation of gas dynamics beyond the Navier-Stokes limit



Friday, December 4, 2020 - 14:00 to 15:00


The in-depth knowledge of rarefied gas dynamics is crucial to address challenges in a wide range of engineering problems, where gas flows usually cover a wide range of Knudsen numbers. As the traditional Navier-Stokes equations fail, gas kinetic equations and methods are required to model the flows. So far, very few numerical schemes are designed to solve the multiscale gas dynamics efficiently. In this talk, I will introduce a general synthetic iterative scheme (GSIS), which can achieve steady-state solutions within dozens of iterations over the whole flow regime and asymptotically preserve the Navier-Stokes limit when the Knudsen number approaches zero.


Dr Wei Su is from China. She received her BA and PhD degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Beihang University in 2008 and 2015, respectively. After her PhD, she worked at the Institute of Nanotechnology in the National Research Council of Italy. There, as a postdoctoral researcher, her research was on sophisticated modelling of non-equilibrium relaxation in shock-heated air. In October 2017, she joined the University of Strathclyde, first as a visiting researcher and then a research associate. In October 2020, she transferred to the University of Edinburgh.  She is now focusing on: 1)  developing accurate and efficient computational methods for non-equilibrium gas flows to reconstruct multiscale phenomena reliably; 2) exploiting the unique phenomena of non-equilibrium gas transport to enable a priori solutions for emerging multiscale technologies.  


Dr Wei Su
Dr Wei Su
Research highlight

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