Existing buildings retrofit in Scotland: lowering of carbon emissions with a conscious approach


Online webinar


Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 14:30 to 16:30

This webinar will address the existing challenges and aspirations to reduce energy and carbon emissions from existing buildings in Scotland. Hosted by the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh and ETP, the webinar will combine recent research with an industry perspective as well as the role of local authorities and housing clients. The presentations will involve recent case studies and the transfer of skills when addressing the conservation of buildings in combination with thermal upgrades.

Co chairs

  • Dr Julio Bros Williamson, University of Edinburgh
  • David Jenkins, Heriot-Watt University


  • Sandy MacGregor, Energystore Ltd
  • Michelle Mundie, City of Glasgow Council
  • Barbara Lantschner, Retrofit Coordinator at John Gilbert Architects Ltd
  • Dr Dimitris Theodosspoulos, School of Architecture, University of Edinburgh
  • Moses Jenkins, Historic Environment Scotland

Talks and Discussion

Topics to be discussed will include:

  • Alternative thermal upgrades of single stone walls using blown-in insulation
    (Sandy MacGregor, energystore Ltd & Dr Julio Bros-Williamson, University of Edinburgh)
  • Whole tenement block retrofit to high energy-efficient standards
    (Michelle Mundie, Glasgow City Council & Barbara Lantschner, John Gilbert Architects Ltd)
  • Complexities of restoring and maintaining the heritage of buildings
    (Dr Dimitris Theodossopoulos, School of Architecture, University of Edinburgh)
  • Latest methods and skills development of existing buildings retrofits in Scotland
    (Moses Jenkins, Historic Environment Scotland)


Registration is open, via the ETP website:

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