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Dr Pedro J Sáenz (supervised by Dr Prashant Valluri and Professor Khellil Sefiane) of the Institute for Materials and Processes within the School of Engineering, has won the ARCHER Image Competition The simulation work in the Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows Group is also supported by the ARCHER eCSE team.
ARCHER is the latest UK National Supercomputing Service. ARCHER provides a capability resource to allow researchers to run simulations and calculations that require large numbers of processing cores working in a tightly-coupled, parallel fashion. The ARCHER Service is based at Edinburgh and is provided by the EPSRC, NERC, EPCC, Cray Inc. and The University of Edinburgh. The ARCHER Image Competition was open to all researchers (national and international) using the ARCHER supercomputing platform. The citation reads:
"We are pleased to announce the winner of the ARCHER Image Competition is Mr Pedro J Saenz of the Institute for Materials and Processes, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh. His image entitled "Streamlines illustrating the temperature distribution and emergence of azimuthal currents within the flow of an irregular 3D liquid droplet undergoing phase change" was produced as part of his work on ARCHER project "3D instabilities in two-layer flows".
The image was selected by the judges for its combination of stunning visual impact combined with the exciting new scientific knowledge it reveals.
All the submitted images are now available to view on the ARCHER Image 2014 Competition gallery. We hope you will take a few moments to enjoy looking at the gallery.