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The School of Engineering has hosted the very successful inaugural meeting of the Network for Young Energy Researchers on Thursday the 21st of May. The event brought together 35 students and post-doctoral researchers from the Schools of Chemistry, Engineering, GeoSciences, Social & Political Science, Law, and Informatics, as well as from several of Heriot-Watt University’s departments and from Edinburgh Napier University. The participants listened to and discussed IES RA Dr Camilla Thomson's presentation on marginal carbon savings, and discussed their own research interests in small groups and over a drink during a reception following the meeting.
The Network is aimed at attracting – and supporting – all PhD students and post-doctoral researchers (RAs, RFs, and those at similar stages of their career) who are working on energy-related themes, such as renewable and non-renewable energy technologies, energy demand, energy economics and policy and the mathematics of energy systems. It gives early-career researchers a place to meet each other, to form interdisciplinary collaborations and to get feedback on their work from an interdisciplinary audience.
Further meetings are planned; for more information, or to join the Network’s mailing list, contact Dr Harry van der Weijde.