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Professor Harald Haas, Chair of Mobile Communications and Director of the Li-Fi Research and Development Centre and Dr Dushyantha Basnayaka, Research Associate at the Li-Fi Centre were awarded the Best Paper Award at the IEEE VTC Spring Conference in Glasgow UK for their joint paper. -Hybrid RF and VLC Systems: Improving User Data Rate Performance of VLC Systems.
The paper gives a design of a hybrid network system with multiple visible light communication (VLC) access points (APs) and radio frequency (RF) APs. In indoor environments, VLC APs can provide very high data rates while satisfying illumination requirements, and RF APs can offer ubiquitous coverage. A new small cell layer is introduced to current heterogeneous wireless networks, referred to as the optical attocellular layer. The focus of the paper is on improving the per user average and outage throughput, and it quantifies the required spectrum and power budget for a RF system, which after introduction to the VLC system, achieves better per user rate performance.
The biannual VTC Conference features world-class plenary speakers, tutorials, and technical and application sessions.