David Stewart, our User Support Manager, will retire in April 2020 after 32 years at the School. We chatted to David about his highlights and memories from a life in IT, and what he’s planning next.
The School’s Dr Timm Krüger is seeking to improve our understanding of ‘placental insufficiency’ through a new three-year project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), which will investigate the role of placental structure, blood flow and nutrient transport in pre-eclampsia and foetal growth restriction. Pre-term and stillbirths affect up to 10% of all deliveries, including in developed countries such as the UK.
Dr Parvez Alam from the School of Engineering is part of a team of international researchers who have documented a previously unknown behaviour in the mudskipper fish. The team travelled to Java where they observed the mudskipper hopping across water as well as climbing trees and scaling rock surfaces.
Delin Hu, a first-year PhD student in the School’s Agile Tomography Group at the Institute for Digital Communications (IDCOM) was recently awarded the 2019/20 Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Exchanges (PECRE) Award by the Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering (SRPe).
We are delighted to present our plans to create a new Maker Space within the School of Engineering for our students. Our vision is to provide a creative and functional space where students can practise, create and innovate. MakerSpace@Eng will be a place for our students to grow and learn in a stimulating, bespoke environment, engaging in hands-on projects where they will have the opportunity to bring their learning to life and transform ideas into three-dimensional reality.