Engineering Discipline:
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
Academic Qualifications:
- PhD, National Technical University of Athens
- Post-Graduate Diploma for Teaching in Higher Education, NIE Singapore
- BEng, Tongji University
- MSc, Southeast University
Professional Qualifications and Memberships:
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Protective Structures
- Member, Intl Society for Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Eng
- CEng Chartered Engineer (Registered with the Engineering Council)
- Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 447: Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE)
- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (FASCE)
- ASCE Technical Committee: Structural Identification of Constructed Systems
- ACI Committee 370: Design for Blast and Impact
Research Interests:
Integrated structural health monitoring and damage diagnosis system
This research concerns the development of integrated system for structural health monitoring and damage diagnosis. Vibration based structural identification and monitoring methodology will be further exploited by incorporating global as well local vibration signatures (in both frequency and time domain) with more robust search and optimization algorithms. Use will be made of smart materials and sensors such as piezo ceramics and fibre optics, in conjunction with pertinent NDT techniques, for the detection and diagnosis of more localized damage. Further development will aim to integrate structural health monitoring with the monitoring and management of other hazards (in particular fire).
Structures/structural materials under high dynamic loading
The effects of high dynamic loading, in particular shock, blast and impact loading, on structures and structural materials have distinctive features as compared to those under static or low dynamic loading. Large deformation of components and localized material failure are often associated with relatively insignificant overall structural responses. This research focuses on appropriate material descriptions, taking into account the rate effects, and robust computational techniques to capture essential loading and response features for various high dynamic conditions. The highlights will be numerical simulation of blast, material fracture, spallation, breakup and fragmentation in a coupled CFD-CSD modeling framework. Simplified models will be sought for practical design calculations and consequence evaluation. The concept of resilient design for protection against multi-hazards will also be explored, with innovative use of composite materials for strengthening/energy dissipation purposes.
Performance based seismic design and evaluation
The focus of this research is on the modelling, in a probabilistic context, of measurable seismic demands (e.g. probabilistic spectral displacements) and limit criteria (e.g. probabilistic drift limits) for different performance targets. The aspects of non-structural components and building contents, and ultimately the life cycle costs including maintenance and repairing costs, will be incorporated through appropriate methodology. The concept of a fuzzy random description of the performances will be particularly emphasized.
PhD studentship
PhD studentship opportunities are expected to arise at times for research in the areas of computational modeling of brittle/composite materials under extreme loading, integrated structural health monitoring, and service performance of structures. Prospective applicants are encouraged to write to to discuss the opportunities and the research topics.
- Damage diagnosis, strengthening and retrofitting of structures
- Dynamic testing, condition assessment and health monitoring of structures
- Numerical modelling of concrete and cementitious composites for complex and high rate loading
- Performance and reliability of structures under seismic/dynamic loading
- Structures under shock/impact/blast loading
Further Information:
- Special Issue on Concrete Structures Subjected to Shock and Blast Loading, Structural Engineering and Mechanics - An International Journal (Guest Editor: Y. Lu)
- Defence Technology Prize 2006 by the Ministry of Defence, Singapore
- PhD studentship opportunities in computational modelling of brittle/composite materials for high impulsive loading; integrated structural health monitoring. Enquiry:
- Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2004 by the Institution of Engineers, Singapore