Dr Thibaut Desguers

Research Associate



+44(0)131 6508698

Research Institute: 

  • Energy Systems

Research Theme: 

  • Institute for Energy Systems Themes
  • Energy and Climate Change
  • Energy Policy, Economics and Innovation
  • Energy Storage and Carbon Capture


After undertaking two years of French Classes Préparatoires, I studied fundamental physics at the prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS Cachan, France), where I gained a BSc and MSc in fundamental physics. I then obtained an MSc in Renewable Energy Science and Technology (REST) from Ecole Polytechnique (France), which brought me to the University of Edinburgh where I first worked on "Turbulence characterisation in energetic tidal currents". 

I next went on to do a PhD at the University of Edinburgh on the "Study and Optimisation of Ultra-High Temperature Thermal Insulation Structures with Application to Thermal Energy Storage" where I developped an analytical and numerical model for, experimentally tested, and optimised evacuated honeycomb insulation structures for use with thermal energy storage. In parallel, I took part in the study, development, assembly and experimental testing of the Ultra-High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage (UHTS) concept, which led to a BEIS award of £3.2 million for the installation of a 36 MWh thermal storage unit at Annandale Distillery in Dumfries and Galloway. The UHTS concept has now matured into Exergy3, a University of Edinburgh spin-out company.

Since completion of my PhD, I have been working as a PDRA at the University of Edinburgh (Heat Balance and INTEGRATE projects) on the integration of multiple energy sources with large-scale thermal storage for heat decarbonisation, where I have developped analytical and multi-level numerical energy systems modelling tools for decarbonised heat networks, particularly with wind curtailment mitigation and large-scale thermal storage integration, and as a senior thermal scientist at Exergy3 where we develop an ultra-high temperature thermal storage concept for the decarbonisation of high-temperature themal and industrial processes, including a 36 MWh unit at Annandale Whisky distillery. 


University of Edinburgh Research profile:



ORCID record:


Academic Qualifications: 

  • PhD in Thermal Engineering: "Study and Optimisation of Ultra-High Temperature Thermal Insulation Structures with Application to Thermal Energy Storage", The University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering, Institute for Energy Systems
  • MSc in Renewable Energy Science and Technology (REST Master's Program), Ecole Polytechnique, France. Passed "With Honours"
  • MSc in Physics (PHYtem course, PHYsics, Theory, Experiments, Modelling), Department of Fundamental Physics, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Cachan (France). 2:1 Honours
  • BSc in Physics (PHYtem course, PHYsics, Theory, Experiments, Modelling), Department of Fundamental Physic


  • MSc dissertation supervision (Sustainable Energy Systems)

Research Interests: 

  • Renewable and/or Decarbonised Energy and Heat Systems
  • Domestic and Industrial Heat Decarbonisation
  • Renewable energy integration and curtailment mitigation
  • High-Temperature Thermal Energy storage
  • Large-Scale Underground Thermal Energy Storage
  • Thermal Science
  • Thermal Insulation