IMT Research Projects

Research Projects at the Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids (IMT). You can search keywords within Project Titles.

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Project Title Principal Supervisor Project Summary
TRANSPACC - TRANSient operation of flexible Packings for Carbon Capture

Dr Prashant Valluri

Power plants constitute one of the largest CO2 emitting sectors. With increased emphasis on abatement of emissions to meet the 2030 deadline set by the UK Committee on Climate Change, the power-plant sector is relying on CCS retrofits using post-combustion capture to clean up flue gases. However, despite the highly transient nature of power plant operation characterised by frequent shut-downs and start-ups (up to twice a day), the retrofits are currently designed for a constant base-load operation and hence cannot maintain even liquid distribution during unsteady loading.


Dr Prashant Valluri

Project ThermaSMART is an international and intersectoral network of organisations working on a joint research programme in the area of phase-change cooling of high-power electronic devices.

ACCA: Atmospheric Carbon Capture

Professor Khellil Sefiane

Carbon emissions from fossil fuel combustion and change in land use are forcing a rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 levels leading to climate change. The initial implementation of plans to reduce the levels of CO2 is based on a combination of increased use of renewable energy and the implementation of carbon capture and storage from industrial sources and power plants on a wide scale.

The First Open-Source Software for Non-Continuum Flows in Engineering

Prof Jason Reese

This project is both multi-scale and multi-disciplinary, and spans research areas across physics, mechanical engineering, computer science and chemical engineering. Our aim is to produce, for the first time, a general, robust and efficient open-source code for the simulation of non-continuum flows for engineering applications.

Boiling in microchannels: integrated design of closed-loop cooling system for devices operating at high heat

Professor Khellil Sefiane

The project aims to advance the use of microchannels based cooling technology by solving major outstanding issues. Flow instabilities and maldistribution are identified as a major hurdle towards effective implementation of this technology to a variety of applications.

Joint Experimental Investigation of two-phase flows in microscale

Professor Khellil Sefiane

The proposal aims to advance the use of microchannels based cooling technology by solving major outstanding issues.

ThermaPower - Thermal Management of High Power Microsystems Using Multiphase Flows

Professor Khellil Sefiane

Increased functionality and power consumption of microdevices and high power electronics has come at a cost: power dissipation and heating. This heat must be dissipated to ensure reliable operation of such devices in both earthly and reduced gravity environments (eg space industry), without adversely affecting their performance. With a highly competitive world market, worth tens of billions of Euros, it is imperative for EU to gain a competitive position in this field (currently led by USA and China).

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