The School of Engineering will host the 4th annual University of Edinburgh Women in STEMM Workshop on the 23rd of June to coincide with National Women in Engineering Day.
Equate Scotland have released the Careerwise Annual Review for 2014. The School of Engineering hosted an undegraduate placement and a work experience student from a local high school.
The sixth University of Edinburgh International Women's Day Lecture is being held on Friday 6 March 2015. The 2015 theme for International Women’s Day ‘Make it Happen’ will be celebrated and championed by Anneila Sargent - Astronomer and advisor to the White House.
The BBC Academy is currently advertising its BAME Training Day and is looking for black, Asian and minority ethnicity professors, lecturers, research fellows and experts to apply.
Dame Prof Ann Dowling,President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, has written an article for the BBC News website on "Why engineering should be a woman's game".
Applications for the L’Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland Fellowships For Women In Science will open on 2nd February 2015. Four outstanding female post-doctoral scientists in the UK or Ireland will be granted a fellowship worth £15,000[1] each.