IES Seminar - Dr Alexander Goodall - Additive manufacturing of 3D magnetic circuits for electrical machines

Additive manufacturing has been revolutionary in enabling complex structural components, however the utilisation of functional materials such as soft-magnetic materials relatively immature. 3D magnetic circuits in electrical machines have been illusive due to the high eddy current losses caused by thick cross-sections in bulk material, and the inability to process electrical steel laminations into 3D structures. By processing soft magnetic materials with additive manufacturing, geometry can be tailored to avoid thick cross-sections and reduce eddy currents whilst maintaining a 3D magnetic circuit, enabling new machine architectures which can meet the power density targets for electrification of aviation.


Dr Alexander Goodall is a lecturer in mechanical engineering design at the University of Edinburgh, conducting research into additive manufacturing of functional materials for use in high power density electrical machines. His interests vary from fundamental material process-property relationships, to the optimisation of electrical machine architecture and topology, spanning a broad cross discipline scope. The majority of his work focusses of soft magnetic materials, however future work will also focus on conductive materials. Alex completed his PhD at the University of Sheffield, after 5 years of experience as a design engineer in the automotive industry.

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Mechanical Engineering
Energy Systems