Dr Christopher Beckett

Senior Lecturer and Discipline Programme Manager


+44(0)131 6517119


2.02A Alexander Graham Bell Building

Engineering Discipline

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Institutes

Infrastructure and Environment
Research Publications
Dr Christopher Beckett

Dr. Chris Beckett joined the School in early 2017. His research interests are the advanced geotechnical and structural characterisation of stabilised and unstabilised unsaturated soils used as construction materials; geotechnical characterisation of agricultural soil constraints (compaction and water repellency); and centrifugal scale modelling of soil structural behaviour. He lectures in Foundation Engineering and holds an Adjunct Reseach Fellow position at the University of Western Australia.

PhD in Geotechnical Engineering, Durham University (2011)

MEng (hons) in Civil Engineering, First Class, Durham University (2008)

  • Chair: Standards Australia Committee BD-083 Earth Building
  • Member: RILEM TC 274-TCE Testing and characterisation of earth-based building materials and elements