Dr David Garcia Cava

Senior Lecturer



+44(0)131 6517112


2.20 William Rankine Building

Personal Page: 

Engineering Discipline: 

  • Mechanical Engineering

Research Institute: 

  • Infrastructure and Environment

Research Theme: 

  • Wind Energy
  • Offshore Renewable Energy
  • Infrastructure Sensing and Systems
  • Structural Engineering
  • Materials and Structures

Academic Qualifications: 

  • PgDip in Academic Practice, University of Strathclyde (UK), 2019
  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering , University of Strathclyde (UK), 2016
  • MSc in Advanced Structural Engineering, Edinburgh Napier University (UK), 2012
  • BEng in Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Madrid (Spain), 2006

Professional Qualifications and Memberships: 

  • Chartered Engineer, MIMechE
  • IMechE - Member of the Edinburgh and South & East Scotland Committee
  • Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, FHEA


  • Structural Mechanics and Dynamics 3 - Laboratory (MECE09036)
  • Advanced Dynamics and Applications 5 (MECE11014)
  • Engineering Research Methods with Grand Challenge (PGEE11195)
  • Mechanical Engineering MEng Individual Project 5 (MECE11006)
  • BEng Mechanical Engineering Project 4 (MECE10008)

Research Interests: 

  • Structural System Identification 
  • Time-dependent systems
  • Nonlinear structural systems
  • Advanced materials and structures


  • Structural dynamics
  • Engineering vibrations
  • Structural health monitoring