Elizabeth Georgeson Fellow Email desen.kirli@ed.ac.uk Location 1/A131 Alrick Building Social Media Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn Engineering Discipline Electronics and Electrical Engineering Research Institutes Energy Systems Biography I am an Elizabeth Georgeson research fellow in Data and Digitalisation for Net Zero. As a sustainable energy engineer and researcher, my ambition is to bridge the gap between academic research and implementation in the industry to accelerate the decarbonisation of energy systems. My research involves the use of data-driven and digital smart grid solutions and state-of-the-art technologies such as digital twin modelling, smart contracting, and AI as well as niche market mechanisms including smart local energy markets and flexibility trading. Prior to my fellowship, I worked on the EPSRC DISPATCH Project towards multi-vector net zero heating and cooling solutions. I hold an award-winning Master of Engineering degree and a PhD from the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh. Recently, I won the Scottish Renewables Young Professionals Green Energy Award for my PhD project on bottom-up decarbonisation of smart local energy systems. Academic Qualifications Master of Engineering (Hons), Engineering in Sustainable Energy, University of Edinburgh, 2018 PhD in Engineering, Impact of Peer-to-Peer Trading and Flexibility on Local Energy Systems, 2022 - link Professional Qualifications and Memberships Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Affiliate Member of the Energy Institute (EI) Member of Women's Engineering Society (WES) STEM Ambassador for East Scotland Teaching Teaching Assistant: Energy and Environmental Economics Control & Instrumentation Engineering 3 Power Systems & Machines 3 Project Supervision/Co-Supervision: MSc Sustainable Energy Systems MSc Electrical Power Engineering Further Information List of publications on Google Scholar