Dr Dongmin Yang



+44(0)131 6505644


1.142 Sanderson Building

Engineering Discipline

Mechanical Engineering

Research Institutes

Materials and Processes
Research Publications
Dr Dongmin Yang

Dr Yang's current research interests focus on Composites Engineering (materials, manufacturing and structures) and Computational Engineering (multiscale, multiphysics, multiphase coupling). With a background in manufacturing and later experience in structural and materials engineering, his cross-disciplinary research is at the interfaces of underpinning material science, emerging manufacturing technologies and advanced structural analysis and design. He also develops computational techniques and deterministic models to address multiscale, multiphysics and multiphase coupling challenges across engineering disciplines.

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  • BEng in Mechanical Engineering, 2004.
  • MSc in Mechanical Engineering, 2007.
  • PhD in Civil Engineering, Leeds (with ORSAS scholarship), 2011.


I welcome talented PhD candidates, postdoctoral fellows and academic/industrial visitors from various engineering disciplines to work on composites engineering and computational engineering. 

There are various scholarship opportunities at Edinburgh, click the links below for more details:

CSC-Edinburgh scholarship

Principal's Career Development PhD Scholarships​

Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship

University of Edinburgh scholarships

Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) scholarships

Edinburgh Centre for Robotics